Thursday, February 5, 2009

San Rafael Bridge off Arroyo Drive

Not as flashy -- or as famous -- as the Colorado Street Bridge, but this one still beckons. Cross it from Arroyo Drive, just outside of South Pas.


ben wideman said...

I really like this one Laurie! Love the way the bridge pops out of the darkness. One of your classic B&W pics.

Cafe Pasadena said...

Neither is your city Christmas Tree.

Laurie Allee said...

Thanks, Ben! I'm glad to see you over here in my shadow blog!

Cafe, yes, but it was a living tree that was later planted in town. I love that.

-K- said...

Looks like a still from "Double Indemnity."

(I didn't know you had two blogs.)

EIN SOF said...

nice picture..:-) is like to be ina dream...good day...from Rome