Sunday, October 19, 2008

Viral Art

A frog begins in a brilliant spawn, and then forms into an egg, and then morphs into this tadpole...



Anonymous said...

I love it! (And I love your lamp.)

Petrea Burchard said...


Cafe Observer said...

I have enuf trouble doing 1 blog.

But, i've never fit in so here i am!

Petrea Burchard said...


Pasadena Adjacent said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Funny little three way we have going here. You can call my spawn brilliant anytime.

Laurie Allee said...

You're spawn IS brilliant! :-)

Waiting, Ms P...

Petrea Burchard said...

I know, I know. I was thinking I'd wait for the teeny toadies that overtake Hahamongna, but that may not happen this year if there hasn't been enough water. I can't remember what the season was last time I witnessed that phenomenon. I may have to come up with something else. I'm thinking. I think too much.